Ballet Terms C-D

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Cabriole [ka-bree-AWL] Caper. A movement in which the working leg brushes into the air as the supporting leg pushes off the ground and beats against the first leg. Finally the dancer lands on the supporting leg.

Cavalier [kav-uh-leer] The male partner of the ballerina.

Centre Practice The part of a ballet class after the barre exercises. This is where dancers practice exercises without the help of the barre.

Choreographer [kawr-ee-OG-ruh-fer] Someone who creates dances, by arranging movements, steps and patterns of dancers.

Chaîné [sheh-NAY] Chain. Quick turns performed in a line. The dancer stands on pointes or demi-pointes with the legs in first position.

Changement de pieds/ Changements [shahnzh-MAHN duh pyay] Change of feet. The dancer jumps in the air and changes feet so that the other foot lands in the front.

Chassé [sha-SAY] Chased. The working leg slides out from the supporting leg and pushes off the ground, the supporting leg comes to the working leg in the air and lands in its place.

Cloche, en [ahn KLAWSH] Like a bell. Grands battements brushed forward and back through the first position.

Corps de ballet [kawr duh ba-LAY] The dancers in a ballet who do not appear as soloists.

Cou-de-pied, sur le [sewr luh koo-duh-PYAY] On the neck of the foot. The working foot is wrapped on the ankle of the supporting leg.

Coupé [koo-PAY]. A step usually in continuing to another step in which the working foot replaces the supporting foot.

Croisé , en [krawh-ZAY] Crossed. The dancer stands at a diagonal. One leg is crossed either to the front or the back.

Croix, en [ahn KRWAH] In a cross shape. This term is used for exercises in which the working leg performs movements to the front, side, back and side again.

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Danse [dahnss] Dance.

Dedans, en [ahn duh-DAHN] Inward. A term used to describe the supporting leg moving in a circular direction from back to front or inward toward the supporting leg.

Dégagé [day-ga-ZHAY] Disengaged. A movement where the working foot brushes outward on the floor and rises slightly from the floor with a well-pointed toe, then slides back into the first or fifth position.

Dehors, en [ahn duh-AWR] Outward. A term used to describe the supporting leg moving in a circular direction from front to back or outward away from the supporting leg.

Demi-plié [duh-MEE-plee-AY] Half-bend of the knees without the heels leaving the floor. See Plié.

Demi-pointes, sur les [sewr lay duh-mee-PWENT] On the half-pointes. Standing on the balls of the feet.

Derrière [deh-RYEHR] In back.

Dessous [duh-SOO] Under.

Dessus [duh-SEW] Over.

Devant [duh-VAHN] In front.

Développé , temps/ Développé [tahn dayv-law-PAY] Time developed. A movement in which the working leg is drawn up to the knee of the supporting leg and then slowly extended out to a position in the air.