Cute Quotes

Kids say the darndest things, don’t they. I feel so fortunate that I get to hear cute quotes from my students on a regular basis! Just the simple “Look what I can do Miss Gina!” and getting to see what creative step they can make up is so funny. Here are some quotes that I have heard over the years. I will be adding more as I go so keep checking for some laughs. If you are a parent of one of my students check to see if your child made the list!

It was the first day of class this fall (Sept 2012). I was saying hello to everyone and letting them know I was so happy to see them all. Then I asked how their summers went and if they went anywhere fun. These were their responses:

Kristyna, “We went to Disney World!

Breanna, “We went to Duluth!”

McKenna, “We went to Grandma’s house!”

Millie, “We went to the grocery store!”

This was a quote from a class of 5 year olds when we were starting to learn how to turn. I asked the students “What gets you around when you turn?” Answer – “Slippery Shoes!”   – Anna, age 5

“Yesterday night, we had a family night at my house and we all drank…ice water!”      -Lydia, age 4

“I’m five years old now! That’s a whole hand!”      -Kayla, age 5

“When I was two I loved bananas!”     -Haley, age 4

“We are going to get a new dog in August because I have Sponge Bob underwear!”     -Daniella, age 3

“You need to see your brain!” (This was said to me on a busy day and I was trying to organize all of my class supplies by one of my students in Woodbury.)

“Mom look! I’m doing a Plee N A!”    – Alyvia, age 3